Proven YouTube Strategies to Increase Your Watch Time and Engagement
Are you looking for ways to keep viewers on your YouTube channel for an extended period of time?

Changing the way you set up your YouTube videos will increase the number of views your channel receives and also result in longer survey meetings.

Prior to October 2012, YouTube's primary criterion for video placement was the total amount of views. However, when YouTube updated their calculations the next month, watch time became the most important factor.

The total amount of time viewers spend watching your films is referred to as watch time. YouTube is guaranteed to advance your channel through the hunt and prescribed videos if your watch time increases, resulting in more views.

Find four distinct techniques to increase your YouTube watch time right now.

Make a playlist

Making playlists for your YouTube videos is a strategy for steering potential viewers toward a longer survey experience in which they see more of your greatest content.

When you arrange your movies in interesting sequences (as seen in the image below), viewers will be compelled to watch your other films. This increases the amount of time people view your video, which helps you rank better on YouTube.

If you use the playlist feature, try removing your video intros and outros to avoid weary viewers and causing them to stop watching.

Use Thumbnails and Related Titles

Your video perspectives and rankings are influenced by the titles and thumbnails of your videos. They serve as a crucial trigger for viewers to click and provide basic insight into the content of a video. Selecting the right mix of thumbnails and titles can help you increase your view time.

The thumbnail, title, and description of your video should persuade potential viewers to watch it above others in your field.

Make use of playing cards

You may use cards in a variety of ways, but the best way to keep viewers engaged is to use them to link to other content on your YouTube channel that they are likely to be interested in.

This method works best when the card is placed right before the time in the video where viewers are most likely to lose interest.

Use YouTube Keywords with a Long Tail

Focusing on long-tail YouTube keywords can help you persuade people to view your videos instead of your competitors'.

Using YouTube's suggestions as a way to identify keywords is one option. Type a word you think your audience will like into the YouTube search box, and take notice of YouTube's suggested look. These aren't just random suggestions; they're based on what clients require. Use these suggestions as starting points for your recordings.

Also, take a peek at your competitors' channels to see what kinds of videos they're making and what catchphrases they're focused on. Keep these keywords in mind for future videos.


What are your thoughts? Are you planning to use some of these techniques in your YouTube marketing? If that's the case, you'll notice a difference in the amount of time you spend watching movies.


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