The Most Important Instagram Updates
Instagram is a tremendously successful social media site with over 800 million monthly users, and it is necessary to provide new features on a regular basis in order to keep users interested on the platform. Instagram does this on a regular basis, with numerous new features added to its platform each month.

Instagram is always evolving, adding new features, adjusting their algorithms, and improving their platform for users. Continue reading to learn about the best Instagram updates of 2019 and how they affected the platform.

Stickers for Chat

Users may now apply the "Chat" sticker to their Stories thanks to Instagram's new Chat Sticker feature. Followers can quickly request to join a chat group by clicking on this sticker, which will be approved by the account holder.

IGTV Horizontal Videos

Instagram launched IGTV last year, allowing users to upload long-form videos of up to one hour. IGTV used to only accept full-screen vertical videos, but it now allows users to upload and watch regular horizontal videos as well.

Insta-Checkout is a native feature of the app

Instagram shopping posts are extremely beneficial to businesses. They can add product tags to photos, which directs consumers to an external purchasing page. Users no longer need to visit the website to check out because the Insta-Checkout function allows them to check out immediately from the app.

Insights into Hashtags

Instagram now allows users to see hashtag insights. You can keep track of how many impressions you get from a specific hashtag. This makes it easier to figure out which hashtags are most effective for you.

Followers are being removed

Bots and phony accounts may follow you on Instagram, but they do not like or comment on your photos, lowering your overall engagement rate. You now have the option of removing such followers from your profile manually.

Posting from many accounts

Instagram has introduced a new function that allows users to quickly switch between accounts in order to publish a post. It also allows you to simultaneously publish a single post to numerous accounts. It is extremely beneficial to businesses and saves them time.

Adding Alternative Text

Because of the alt text function, persons with visual impairments can now use Instagram. You can utilize Instagram's auto-generated text or manually adjust the alt text for your photographs if you enable it.

Live Q&A on Instagram

You can now start a Q&A session during an Instagram live and answer the questions right from there, which is a fantastic feature. Instagram Live was basically syndicated with an Instagram Stories question sticker with this version.

This Account Option's Details

Instagram has launched the "About this Account" feature, which allows users to view the history and other characteristics of another account, such as the date of joining, country, active ads, and so on. This aids in the detection of phony or improper accounts.

Sharing Stories' Posts

Instagram has released another another interesting feature that allows you to share any post (yours or others') to your Instagram Story with a simple click. Additionally, the Story image becomes clickable, and anyone who clicks on it is directed to your feed.

So, there you have it: some of the most interesting and informative Instagram updates of 2019. Make use of these upgrades and keep a look out for future updates, since Instagram releases new features on a regular basis.


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