How to use Facebook advertising to create qualified leads
Leads are vital to every organization, whether it operates online or offline. Consumer interest in your brand or product is generated through lead creation.

A list of quality leads is a valuable asset for a business that can be built with little investment and big results. 93 % of marketers use Facebook advertising when it comes to social media advertising.

Facebook Ads not only give your brand the attention it deserves, but they're also a terrific method to build a database of people who are interested in what you have to offer thanks to its advanced targeting capabilities.

The following are the most tried-and-true methods for generating qualified leads with Facebook Ads:

1. Identify your ideal clients

According to Facebook's third-quarter report, the average daily active user count is 1.37 billion. With such a large crowd, you only have a few seconds to capture your target audience's attention.

And you can only do this if you have a good understanding of your target audience. Find out what your target market is seeking for and provide them a solution in the shape of your product or service.

2. Make a non-salesy approach to attracting customers

Make a freebie for your clients. Giving something useful to your target audience is a non-salesy technique to gain customers. For your promotions, these freebies serve as lead magnets.

Offer a complimentary present to help consumers come one step closer to resolving their issue. If you're unsure what to offer, compile a list of the most often asked questions, ask your audience on social media what they'd find useful, or engage in face-to-face interactions.

3. Create a squeeze and thank-you page on your website

You'll need to place your freebie on a web page that allows visitors to opt-in and give you their email address for distribution in order to reach out to your prospective prospects.

The ideal solution for this web page is a "squeeze page," which forces the user to choose between opting in and opting out.

To service visitors who opt-in to receive your freebie, you'll also need to construct a thank-you page. Add a Facebook pixel to your Squeeze page and Thank you page once you've finished setting them up. So you can keep track of what people are doing on the page and link them back to your Facebook account.

4. Create ads that are appealing to your target market

Your Facebook advertising must be designed in such a way that they work as lead magnets, bringing leads into your database. Facebook offers a variety of ad types; choose one that best suits your needs in order to present your offers in the best light possible. The following are some pointers to keep in mind when producing an advertisement:

- Describe the advantages of your offer to your target audience.

- Check for certain words and phrases that Facebook prohibits so that you don't run into any issues later.

- Make sure your image is 1200 x 627 pixels in size and that it clearly conveys your message. Smiley faces are always in style.

You can also duplicate Ad sets to suit a different audience by duplicating them.

5. Examine Your Findings

Don't forget to check the performance of your Ad set after your campaign has been running for 2-3 days. Simply compare the number of opt-ins received and the cost for each audience tested to examine the results. The following is a list of parameters to check for:

- CTRs (Click-Through-Rates) Conversions

- The number of website clicks

- The number of times each member of your target audience has viewed your advertisement


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