What You Can Learn From Facebook's Unprecedented Success
Facebook is a website that has altered the course of history. It could, however, have been a completely different scenario. In fact, the odds were stacked against us from the beginning.

For starters, Facebook was far from the first social media platform. MySpace had pretty much finished this up and added more features. Second, Facebook was created by a single student in his dorm room. It didn't have a lot of money behind it, and there was no incentive for it to succeed.

Nonetheless, it happened.

So, if you want to start your own visionary service or product, ask yourself why Facebook was so successful. What can you take away from it?

How Facebook Conquered the World Using a Slow Rollout

One of the most striking features of Facebook's introduction was how slowly it was implemented. Rather from being available to everyone on the first day, Facebook was initially only available to Harvard students. It became available to select different colleges after a while. It eventually became international. Then it allowed businesses to enter. You get the picture...

This is most certainly a major factor in Facebook's success. Consider what would have happened if it had gone live over the world on the first day. Why would you join a social network that has no members? It would appear to be deserted.

Facebook, on the other hand, had considerably more modest goals when it initially launched in Harvard. It would be far more straightforward to obtain a majority of that population, at which time it would be considered a success. Why would someone who already had a MySpace account join Facebook? Because it was designed specifically for them.

Naturally, word would spread, and when other institutions heard about Facebook, they would want it as well. It's natural to desire something you can't have, especially if it feels new, thrilling, and exclusive. They had previously heard of Facebook and had pals from Harvard when it was opened up to other top universities. This method was repeated each time the place grew larger.

As a result, by the time it was exposed to the whole public, Facebook had already become a phenomenon.

Take note of this. If you're going to establish a service like this, make it exclusive at first and then expand it. Running a beta test is a terrific way to do this, especially because it allows you to iron out flaws and put your concept to the test!


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