What Is It Like to Launch a Game-Changing Software That Is Successful?
Who wouldn't want to follow in Steve Jobs' footsteps? Is there a next-generation Mark Zuckerberg? Is there a new Elon Musk on the horizon?

Many of us are enthralled by the prospect of coming up with a game-changing concept that will transform the way people work and play. And, because to a plethora of new modern technology, this is now more possible than ever before. You don't need a large team or to work with manufacturers - you can come up with a brilliant concept, produce it online, and then distribute it all over the world!

But how is it in practice? Is the reality as good as the fantasy? Is this something you should truly strive for?

Success in Real Life

This is an area in which I have some experience. I haven't revolutionized the world or become obscenely wealthy, but I did have an app that made me more than $40,000 in its first year. And it did, at least for a time, transform everything for me.

The initial 'eureka moment' was the most enjoyable aspect of the entire experience. I recall exactly where I was and what I was doing - I was chatting to a friend about an app I was working on, and the experience of telling him about it showed me how it could be improved. And that's when the concept was formed!

I recall the exact moment when the app began to gain traction. You could sign in to Google and see how many sales you were receiving on Android in real time, and I saw they were really taking off while at a house party.

I wasn't having any fun at the party since I was always checking my phone!

But it wasn't all perfect. Because, in addition to my excitement, I was also filled with a great deal of anxiety. One of my dreams was finally becoming a reality right in front of my eyes. I'd made it this far. But what if it came to a halt? What if the app was deactivated? What if it simply fell out of style?

It was a wild ride, but I can tell you that after a few years, it came to an end for me. It still earns me between $100 and $200 per month, but the sales aren't what they used to be.

However, I still consider that to be one of the most thrilling periods of my life. And it's one of my proudest achievements!


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