Top brands and their Snapchat tactics
"More than 60% of Millennial and Gen Y smartphone users are Snap chatters," according to the social media network.

And many businesses are taking advantage of this to reap the rewards of their efforts to promote their brands on Snapchat. Snapchat is no longer just a photo-sharing software; it has also paved the way for marketers to promote their brands and products online.

The following are some of the top brands that have already invested and are reaping hundreds of thousands of dollars from their Snapchat marketing campaigns:

1. McDonald’s:

McDonald's was one of the first major brands to join Snapchat. It aired teases, promoted the race, and then finally joined it. McDonald's piqued the interest of its viewers by allowing them to see behind-the-scenes photos. McDonald's is also the first company to promote itself using geofilters.

2. Amazon: benefited the most from Snapchat's time limit feature. Snaps displayed new arrivals, most viewed items, gift suggestions, and unique bargains. These specials only last a few seconds, but clicking on a product adds it to your shopping basket right now.

3. General Electric's (GE):

General Electrics used Snapchat to show off their geeky side and to pique people's interest in science in a lighthearted way. They took advantage of this platform by holding Q&A sessions. People from GE used to respond to the queries in a humorous and informative manner.

4. Taco bells:

One of the first Snapchat stories was for Taco Bell's Spicy Chicken Cool Ranch Doritos Locos Tacos. It was a 6-minute mini-movie that included aspects such as a scene on the MTV Movie Awards red carpet, and it was shot and posted in less than 24 hours. Efforts will continue to be made to provide better video to audiences.

5. Mondelez International/Sour Patch Kids:

The brand hired Vine star Logan Paul and candy dummies to create a Snapchat story that displays the "first it's sour/then it's sweet" device in a normal setting. This, according to Mondelez's marketing head, is the ideal approach to engage brands with consumers one-on-one.

6. National Basketball Association:

The NBA used Snapchat to run stories with exclusive behind-the-scenes footage from the events. It works because people are drawn to the clips from the sports zone and place a high value on viewing each and every one of them.


The brands mentioned above employed Snapchat to sell their brands using various Snapchat features and reaped numerous rewards as a result.


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