Viral marketing has two faces.
Viral marketing is a type of word-of-mouth marketing that tries to distribute a message quickly and increase brand awareness. To raise brand awareness and meet marketing goals, most businesses employ a viral marketing strategy.

It has downsides and negative features, despite the fact that it is a successful technique of marketing and brand promotion. We'll go over some of the benefits and drawbacks of adopting viral marketing in this article.


• When compared to traditional ad approaches, viral marketing has a significant advantage in terms of credibility. People are more likely to believe a message about your organization, products, or services if it comes from a friend, family member, or coworker. It implies that it has greater weight than hearing a paid advertisement.

• This type of marketing strategy makes use of the Internet's network effect to reach out to people. It means that your marketing message will reach a large number of people quickly and effectively. You have no restrictions on who you can contact.

• Because you rely on customers to help you market, viral marketing saves you a lot of money. It means that there is no need to spend a lot of money on advertising to get the name of the company out there.

• Viral marketing increases your company's visibility by having your products and services recommended, shared, and discussed by your customers. This generates brand advocacy for your company on its own.


• Viral marketing enlists the help of people who are unfamiliar with your products and services to sell them on your behalf. It's simple to convey a marketing message to a large audience, yet the consequences can be severe if individuals misinterpret your message. It could lead to a misunderstanding or have a negative impact on the brand.

• Another downside of viral marketing campaigns is their association with an unknown group. Because the strength of viral marketing is based on the transmission of messages from person to person, messages may reach those with whom you are not familiar.

• Viral marketing, like any other marketing strategy, is hit or miss. By its very nature, viral marketing is more dangerous and divisive than any other form of traditional marketing. If done incorrectly, viral marketing can backfire and create unwanted buzz.

• It can be difficult to maintain control at times. If your communication reaches someone who isn't supposed to be connected to it, it could be misinterpreted as spam, causing damage to the brand's reputation and image.


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